
Really sick!

In early March, Jinan encountered "倒春寒", the temperature was hovering at between 0-10 degrees, but on March 15 to stop warm day, probably because during the two sessions may have other reasons are, Jinan City Gov sent a message:
  • 春寒料峭,济南遭遇"倒春寒"。 Cold chilly, Jinan hit "倒春寒." 气象部门据最新气象资料分析,近期将有冷空气侵袭省城,14日前后,受一股强冷空气影响,省城气温将降到零摄氏度以下,大部分地区可能会出现冰冻。 Meteorological Department, according to the latest meteorological data analysis, the recent invasion of cold air will be the provincial capital, on the 14th after a strong cold air by the impact of the provincial capital will be reduced to temperatures below zero degrees Celsius in most areas may be frozen. 按照《济南市集中供热管理条例》规定,济南市政府根据近期天气变化情况作出决定,为保证市民生活不受停暖影响,本采暖季供热时间延长五天,停暖日期为3月20日。 According to "Jinan City Central Heating Management Ordinance," the provisions of the Jinan Municipal Government Change according to a recent weather makes the decision to ensure that the public will not stop warming life impact, the heating time extended by five days of heating season, warm stop date for March 20 day. 据了解,2008―2009采暖季开始前,省城对集中供暖时间作出调整,将此前的140天供热期掐头去尾缩短至120天,供暖期确定为11月15日至次年的3月15日。 It is understood ,2008-2009 before the start of heating season, the provincial capital of central heating time to adjust to the previous heating period of 140 days break off both ends shortened to 120 days, heating period defined as between November 15 the following year March 15.
  • 延长供热时间不加收采暖费。 To extend the heating time is not extra heating costs. 据介绍,本采暖季延长的5天供热费用,将不再向用户收取,延长供暖时间确定后,济南市市政公用事业局已向各供热企业下发了紧急通知,要求所有的供热企业将本采暖季供热时间延长至3月20日,同时要求各供热单位做好准备工作,保障人员安排及煤炭等原材料供应,确保居民供热质量达标。 According to introduction, the heating season to extend the five days of heating costs, will no longer require customers to pay to extend the heating time is determined, Jinan City, the municipal utility has to heating companies issued an emergency circular calling for all enterprises will be hot this heating season heating time has been extended to March 20, at the same time request the heating units are well prepared to protect the personnel arrangement and the supply of coal and other raw materials to ensure that the residents of heating quality standards.

从来没有想到,济南市政府还会这么好心,想去年采暖听证的时候,楞是在听证的时候让采暖单价上涨,拿济南市民当猴耍。 Never thought of the Jinan Municipal Government will be so good, want a hearing last year, when heating, treng are hearing at the time for heating unit price rise, take Jinan当猴耍people. 这次还"好心好意"的说:"由于济南集中供热期免费延长5 天,热电公司为此将增加各项费用约1000万元。" This is also "good intentions" and said: "The central heating because of Jinan free to extend the period of 5 days, thermoelectric company for this purpose will increase the cost of about 1,000 million."

多"好"的一帮人呀! Many "good" gang of people and you!

但是,再看一下济南近几天的气温: However, take a look at the last few days the temperature Jinan:

3月14日:9-14度 March 14 :9-14 degrees

3月15日:7-19度 March 15 :7-19 degrees

3月16日:16-22度 March 16 :16-22 degrees

3月17日:18-28度 March 17 :18-28 degrees

3月18日预计:11-27度 March 18 is expected to :11-27 degrees

3月19日预计:10-18度 March 19 is expected to :10-18 degrees

3月20日预计:12-20度 March 20 is expected to :12-20 degrees

这样的气温,在有暖气的房子里,可想而知会是什么样的感受。 This temperature, there is at heating the house, we can imagine what the feel.

而今天看到新闻: Read the news today:

  • 济南市市政公用事业局局长表示: 既然已向市民承诺,集中供暖就会按计划相应延长。 Jinan Municipal utilities Secretary, said: Now that the commitment to the public, central heating according to plan will be extended accordingly.

不禁想说脏话,MLGBD,因为供暖达不到室温要求说要给市民退钱的时候,没见这么信守承诺过! Can not help but want to say bad, MLGBD, because of heating less than room temperature will give the public demanded that money back when had not seen such a commitment!

真是纳闷了,难道这帮人的脑袋被驴给踢了? Really wonder, does this group of people give a donkey's head was kicked? 做承诺的时候,不知道好好看看天气预报,拍脑瓜子胡乱做决定;情况改变了,却死脑筋一条筋,不知道变通。 Commitment to do the time, I do not know a good look at the weather forecast脑瓜子shot indiscriminately decide to do; the situation has changed, but their brains a tendon die, I do not know modifications.

要知道,在这样的罕见高温下继续供暖无异于火中送炭,雪中送冰! Want to know at such a rare high-temperature heating to continue would be tantamount to sending charcoal fire, snow Iceman!

这样的事业单位的领导,一方面浪费着市民的血汗钱,一方面还出力不讨好,说重一点,就是渎职。 The leadership of such institutions, on the one hand the people waste hard-earned money, on the one hand, also contribute to task, saying that heavy that dereliction of duty. 如果我是他们的领导,我会羞愧的撞南墙死掉! If I were their leadership, I will hit the wall of shame to die!

错误的承诺并不能成为一种承诺。 The wrong committed and should not become a promise. 错不可怕,可怕的是,错了之后还以各种理由拒绝改正! Mistake is not terrible, terrible is a mistake after correction for various reasons refuse!

可悲! Sad!




30+ Apps That Are Killing Microsoft

With Google acquiring a Powerpoint-like tool to bulk up its impressive web office suite, and hundreds of startups releasing everything from web based word processors to complete operating systems, Microsoft is under fire. Sure, the company remains buoyant for now, but 5 years down the line, Microsoft may be struggling if it hasn't adapted to this new world of web-based, ad-supported software. This week, we tested some of the services that are nibbling away at Microsoft's dominance, with Google leading the charge.

Target: Microsoft Word

Google Docs - Google's word processor, attached to your Google account, integrated into other Google apps.
Buzzword - Simple word processor built off of Adobe's Flex, currently in private beta.
Writeboard - by 37signals, designed to be used by multiple users, focus on sharing and collaboration.
ThinkFree - basically Microsoft Word online.

Target: Microsoft Excel

Google Spreadsheet - not as good as Excel, but a decent spreadsheet app for basic needs, again integrated into other Google apps.
Zoho Sheet - like Excel but with way less features.
EditGrid - Not an Excel replacement, has graphing, extensive collaboration features.
ThinkFree Calc - Basically Excel online.

Target: PowerPoint

Empressr - Lets you import many types of media including Flash, also embeddable…impressive results.
Zoho Show - very simple creator, the results don't look very great, but good for quick and simple presentations.
Google Presentations - Not out yet, but Google is going to release a general presentation editor sometime soon (this summer)
Spresent - A flash based editor that makes flash based presentations, they look decent and it has Flickr integration.

Target: Outlook

Gmail - Google's mail client that has Google search built in, has about 3 GB of storage, can be customized to your domain, free for up to 25 users.
Yahoo Mail - Yahoo's mail client with unlimited storage, new client very quick.
Zoho Mail - email client, free for individuals, for pay with groups. Has collaborative features.
Zimbra - Web based email client, adopted by ISPs for their clients, has a calendar, and document storage, even integrated VoIP, for a price.

Target: Outlook Calendar

Google Calendar - basic calendar app that integrates with Gmail.
Yahoo! Calendar - basic calendar app that integrates with Yahoo Mail
Kiko - Calendar startup originally owned by the founders of Justin.tv, sold on eBay and now owned by Tucows, lots a great features like RSS import, and contact management.
30boxes - Wonderfully simple calendar. Was one of the hottest in this space until Google Calendar launched and stole some of the thunder from the startups.

Target: Windows Live Messenger

Meebo - web based chat that supports Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, AIM, ICQ, and Jabber. Recently added chat rooms.
eBuddy - supports MSN, Yahoo, and AIM, has a mobile site.
Google Talk - in Gmail there is a Gtalk client that has all the features of the regular Google Talk client for the desktop. There's also a version on the personalized homepage.
Campfire - like IRC, except better looking and with file sharing, integrated into the other 37signals apps.

Target: Movie Maker (and others)

Movie Maker is free, so Microsoft won't lose money here. But users will be spending less time with desktop apps once online video editing becomes more feasible (we don't think it's satisfactory yet). Less people using these apps on the desktop would mean less incentive for Windows developers to build for that platform.

JumpCut - iMovie in your browser, lets you edit other people's videos too.
MotionBox - doesn't let you edit other people's videos, but still a fully featured editor.
YouTube Remixer - Currently in Beta, powered by Adobe, results don't look great, but it's a start.
Eyespot - not really designed to be an editor, more of a remix and mashup maker, currently has a deal with Starwars to let fans make mashups.

Target: Windows??

OK, so nobody is abandoning their OS anytime soon, but web-based desktops and operating systems, if successful, will mean people spend less time on their real desktops and more time moving files around out in the cloud.

DesktopOnDemand - 1GB of storage, has web browser (you can download so it's not useless), email client, word processor, spreadsheet editor, IM client, media player and other apps.
Nivio - 5GB of storage, basically Windows in your browser.
AjaxWindows - A webOS built in ajax, has lots of apps, has about 1GB of storage. Seems to be password protected at the time of writing.
EyeOS - Open source web OS, enables anyone to collaborate and expand it, for example, make apps.


作者:Ben Gold



"We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning."

Do we learn more from people whose ideas we share in common than from those whose ideas contradict ours? The speaker claims so, for the reason that disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning. I concede that undue discord can impede learning. Otherwise, in my view we learn far more from discourse and debate with those whose ideas we oppose than from people whose ideas are in accord with our own.

Admittedly, under some circumstances disagreement with others can be counterproductiveto learning. For supporting examples one need look no further thana television set. On today's typical television or radio talk show, disagreement usually manifests itself in meaningless rhetorical bouts and shouting matches, during which opponents vie to have their own message heard, but have little interest either in finding common ground with or in acknowledging the merits of the opponent's viewpoint. Understandably, neither the combatants nor the viewers learn anything meaningful. In fact, these battles only serve to reinforce the predispositions and biases of all concerned. The end result is that learning is impeded.

Disagreement can also inhibitlearning when two opponents disagree on fundamental assumptions needed for meaningful discourse and debate. For example, a student of paleontology learns little about the evolution of an animal species under current study by debating with an individual whose religious belief system precludesthe possibility of evolution to begin with. And, economics and finance students learn little about the dynamics of a laissez-faire system by debating with a socialist whose view is that a centralized power should control all economic activity.

Aside fromthe foregoingtwo provisos, however,I fundamentally disagree with the speaker's claim. Assuming common ground between two rational and reasonable opponents willing to debate on intellectual merits, both opponents stand to gainmuch from that debate. Indeed it is primarily through such debate that human knowledge advances, whether at the personal, community, or global level.

At the personal level, by listening to their parents' rationalefor their seemingly oppressive rules and policies teenagers can learn how certain behaviors naturally carry certain undesirable consequences. At the same time, by listening to their teenagers' concerns about autonomy and about peer pressures parents can learn the valuable lesson that effective parenting and control are two different things. At the community level, through dispassionatedialogue an environmental activist can come to understand the legitimate economic concerns of those whose jobs depend on the continued profitable operation of a factory. Conversely, the latter might stand to learn much about the potential public health price to be paid by ensuring job growth and a low unemployment rate. Finally, at the global level, two nations with opposing political or economic interests can reach mutually beneficial agreements by striving to understand the other's legitimate concerns for its national security, its political sovereignty, the stability of its economy and currency, and so forth.

In sum, unless two opponents in a debate are each willing to play on the same field and by the same rules, I concede that disagreement can impede learning. Otherwise, reasoned discourse and debate between people with opposing viewpoints is the very foundation upon which human knowledge advances. Accordingly, on balance the speaker is fundamentally correct.


US troops missing in 'triangle of death'

BAGHDAD - US and Iraqi troops searched house-to-house and combed fields with their bare hands Saturday after American troops and their Iraqi interpreter came under attack in the notorious "triangle of death" south of Baghdad, leaving five dead and three missing.

The military said the patrol was struck in a pre-dawn explosion near Mahmoudiya, about 20 miles south of Baghdad -- an al-Qaida area where two US soldiers were found massacred after disappearing at a checkpoint nearly a year ago.

Iraqi soldiers take defensive position while on the joint search mission with the US troops near Youssifiyah, 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, May 12, 2007. [AP]

A nearby unit heard the blast and the search was launched after communication could not be established with the patrol, the military said. Shortly after the blast, a drone observed two burning vehicles.

An emergency response unit arrived at the scene and found five members of the team dead and three others missing.

Checkpoints were established throughout the area, while helicopters and jets buzzed overhead. AP Television News footage showed Iraqi soldiers picking through cattails and other weeds as they searched fields and canals for clues.

Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a US military spokesman, said the search would continue throughout the night.

"A lot of our vehicles have thermal capabilities, which sometimes work better at night than they do during the day," he said.

The military refused to specify whether the Iraqi interpreter was among those killed or missing and would not give more details about where the bodies were found.

An Iraqi army officer who was familiar with the search said he saw five badly burned bodies inside a Humvee at the site, suggesting the remains may not have been recognizable. The officer spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to disclose the information.

He also said joint US-Iraqi forces had sealed off the area and were conducting house-to-house searches, rounding up dozens of suspects. The military declined to comment on detentions but said troops were looking for suspects.

The Iraqi officer said US troops singled out seven suspects out of as many as 50, including a wounded man who was hiding in a house and confessed to participating in the attack. He said most of the houses searched near the attack contained only women and children because the men had fled, fearing arrest.

"I was in my cucumber field when I heard a big explosion followed by shootings. I ran toward my house because I was afraid that I would be arrested if spotted in the field," Mizaal Abdullah, a 37-year-old farmer who was in the custody of the Iraqi army, said by telephone. "This is the third time that I have been arrested. Each time, the real attackers flee the area and innocent people like me get arrested."

The attack occurred at 4:44 a.m. about 12 miles west of Mahmoudiya, a town of about 65,000 in a Sunni area dubbed the "triangle of death" for the frequent attacks against Shiite civilians and US and Iraqi forces.

On June 16, 2006, two American soldiers -- Pfc. Kristian Menchaca of Houston and Pfc. Thomas Tucker of Madras, Ore. -- went missing after their Humvee was ambushed at a checkpoint near Youssifiyah, north of Mahmoudiya.

Their bodies were found days later, tied together with a bomb between one of the victim's legs. But the remains were not recovered until the next morning, after an Iraqi civilian warned that bombs had been planted in the area.

A third soldier, David J. Babineau, 25, of Springfield, Massachusetts, was found dead at the scene of the attack.

Five US soldiers also have been charged in the rape of a 14-year-old Mahmoudiya girl and the killing of her and her entire family, and three have pleaded guilty in the March 12, 2006, attack, which was initially blamed on insurgents.

Also Saturday, the military announced the death of an American soldier from a bomb attack Friday near Iskandariyah, 30 miles south of Baghdad.

At least 30 Iraqis were reported killed or found dead elsewhere in Iraq, including a Sunni physician shot to death on his way home from work in the northern city of Mosul.

Seventeen bullet-riddled bodies showing signs of torture -- apparent victims of so-called sectarian death squads usually led by Shiite militias -- also turned up on the streets in Baghdad.

All but two were found on the predominantly Sunni western side of the Tigris River that divides the capital where sectarian violence appears to be on the rise.

More than 3,380 members of the US military have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count. But few have been kidnapped, due largely to strict military procedures for those on patrol or at checkpoints.

US troops in Iraq travel in groups of armored vehicles, usually Humvees, and procedures are in place to keep track so no one is left behind.

The last US soldier known to have been captured was Ahmed Qusai al-Taayie, whose name is also spelled Ahmed Kousay Altaie, an Iraqi-born reserve soldier from Ann Arbor, Mich., who was abducted while visiting his Iraqi wife on Oct. 23 in Baghdad.

Sgt. Keith M. Maupin of Batavia, Ohio, was taken on April 9, 2004, after insurgents ambushed a fuel convoy. Two months later, a tape on Al-Jazeera purported to show a captive US soldier being shot, but the Army ruled it was inconclusive proof of Maupin's death.

Both are still listed as missing.

Capt. Michael Speicher, a Navy pilot, also has been missing since the 1991 Persian Gulf War.



211工程 211 Project

安居工程 housing project for low-income families

安居小区 a neighborhood for low-income families

保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women's right to employment

补发拖欠的离退休人员统筹项目内的养老金 All back pension entitlements have been paid for the retired covered by the overall government plan.

裁定保险赔偿 adjudication of benefits

城镇居民最低生活保障 guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险 Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.

城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas

城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees

创新精神 be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind

促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展 ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics

大家庭 extended family

大力推行个人助学信贷 Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted.

大专文凭 associate degree (conferred to junior college students)

代培 training-on-contract program

代培生 trainee on contract

带薪分流 assign redundant civil servants to other jobs while allowing them to retain their original rank and benefits

待业人员 job seekers

待遇优厚的工作 a well-paid job

单亲家庭 single parent family

定向培训 training for specific posts

独生子女 the only child

对保障方案进行精算评估 Security programs should undergo actuarial review.

对口扶贫 provide poverty alleviation aid to the designated sister regions

恶性犯罪 major crimes

反对迷信 be against superstition

福利分房 buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with

复式住宅 compound apartment

干部年轻化 rejuvenation of cadres

岗位培训 on-job training

高度重视精神文明建设 pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress

搞好优生优育 promote good prenatal and postnatal care

个人自愿计划 voluntary private plans

工伤保险制度the on-job injury insurance system

工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system

关系国计民生的大事 matters vital to national well-being and the people's livelihood

关心和支持残疾人事业 Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.

关心老龄人 care for senior citizens.

贵族学校 exclusive school(美); select school(英)

国企下岗职工基本生活保障 guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises

过紧日子 tighten one's belt

过温饱生活 live a life at a subsistent level

合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure

后勤服务社会化 make logistic services independent in their operation

积极发展民办教育 Efforts should be made to develop schools not operated by government education departments.

基本养老金basic pensions

计划生育责任制 responsibility system of family planning

继续开展"扫黄打非"斗争 The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.

加快住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation

加强计划生育工作 further improve family planning

加强舆论监督 ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion

家庭美德 family virtues

坚持"两手抓、两手都要硬"的方针 adhere to the principle of "doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each"

坚持正确的舆论导向 maintain the correct orientation for public opinion

建立集体合同制度to establish a group contract system

建立市场导向的就业机制to establish a market-oriented employment mechanism

建立新型的劳动关系to establish a new type of labor relations

建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府 build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government

建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家 build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country

教育程度 educational status; education received

教育程度比率 educational attainment ratio

戒毒所 drug rehabilitation center

精算界 actuarial profession

精算师 actuaries

扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment

劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system

劳动标准体系labor standard system

劳动争议处理体制the system of handling labor disputes

面临困境 face adverse conditions

努力稳定低生育水平 work to stabilize the low birth rate

培养创新精神和实践能力 help them develop practical abilities and a spirit of innovation

破案率 rate of solved criminal cases

强制性普及方案 universally compulsory program

切实减轻中小学生过重的课业负担 effectively reduce too heavy homework assignments for primary and secondary school students

确保国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金按时足额发放to ensure that subsistence allowances for laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises and basic pensions for retirees are paid on time and in full

人口出生率 birth rate

人口老龄化 aging of population

人口增长的高峰期 baby boom

人口增长与社会经济发展相协调 try to keep population growth in line with social and economic development

人民生活水平 quality of life; the living standards

认真贯彻实施中国妇女、儿童发展纲要 The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented.

弱势群体disadvantaged groups

扫除青壮年文盲 eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged people

伤残保险 disability insurance

社会保障 social security

社会保障"三条保障线"制度 social security system of "three guarantees"

社会福利制度the social welfare system

社会公德 social morality

社会互助制度the social mutual help system

社会治安状况好转 see an improved law-and-order situation

深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动 Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress.

生活待遇 material amenities

生活费收入 income available for cost of living

生活费用 cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost

生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system

失学儿童 dropouts

失业保险 guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits

失业保险 unemployment insurance

失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system

失业率 rate of unemployment

实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment

实现基本普及九年义务教育 The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained.

实现小康目标 attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life

实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employment

实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质 promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people

实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system

树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观 help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life

思想道德建设(思想政治工作) moral education among people

提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准 Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service men and women have been increased.

提高劳动者素质to enhance workers' quality

统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system

推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network

推进素质教育 push ahead with education for all-around development

推行职业资格证书制度to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system

退休基金 pension fund

脱贫 lift off poverty; cast off poverty

完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment

完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system

文明城市 model city; culturally advanced city; city cited for high moral and cultural standards

物业管理 estate management, property management

消费价格总水平the general price level

小家庭 nuclear family

小康生活 enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off

新生儿死亡率 infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate

行行出状元 Every profession produces its own leading authority.

研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma

养老保险 retirement insurance

养老保险制度the old-age insurance system

医疗保险 medical insurance

医疗保险制度the medical insurance system

应试教育 examination-oriented education system

优抚安置制度the special care and placement system

优化就业结构to optimize employment structure

有公德心 be civic-minded

舆论导向 direction of public opinion

舆论监督 supervision by public opinion

预期寿命 life expectancy

灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system

在职博士生 on-job doctorate

招生就业指导 enrolment and vocation guidance

争取实现高等教育大众化 work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people

政府主导计划 government-sponsored programs

职业道德 ethics of profession

中华人民共和国劳动法the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China

中专生 secondary specialized or technical school student

重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential

抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务 devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population

自然增长率 natural growth rate

自学成才 self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way

最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system