
Really sick!

In early March, Jinan encountered "倒春寒", the temperature was hovering at between 0-10 degrees, but on March 15 to stop warm day, probably because during the two sessions may have other reasons are, Jinan City Gov sent a message:
  • 春寒料峭,济南遭遇"倒春寒"。 Cold chilly, Jinan hit "倒春寒." 气象部门据最新气象资料分析,近期将有冷空气侵袭省城,14日前后,受一股强冷空气影响,省城气温将降到零摄氏度以下,大部分地区可能会出现冰冻。 Meteorological Department, according to the latest meteorological data analysis, the recent invasion of cold air will be the provincial capital, on the 14th after a strong cold air by the impact of the provincial capital will be reduced to temperatures below zero degrees Celsius in most areas may be frozen. 按照《济南市集中供热管理条例》规定,济南市政府根据近期天气变化情况作出决定,为保证市民生活不受停暖影响,本采暖季供热时间延长五天,停暖日期为3月20日。 According to "Jinan City Central Heating Management Ordinance," the provisions of the Jinan Municipal Government Change according to a recent weather makes the decision to ensure that the public will not stop warming life impact, the heating time extended by five days of heating season, warm stop date for March 20 day. 据了解,2008―2009采暖季开始前,省城对集中供暖时间作出调整,将此前的140天供热期掐头去尾缩短至120天,供暖期确定为11月15日至次年的3月15日。 It is understood ,2008-2009 before the start of heating season, the provincial capital of central heating time to adjust to the previous heating period of 140 days break off both ends shortened to 120 days, heating period defined as between November 15 the following year March 15.
  • 延长供热时间不加收采暖费。 To extend the heating time is not extra heating costs. 据介绍,本采暖季延长的5天供热费用,将不再向用户收取,延长供暖时间确定后,济南市市政公用事业局已向各供热企业下发了紧急通知,要求所有的供热企业将本采暖季供热时间延长至3月20日,同时要求各供热单位做好准备工作,保障人员安排及煤炭等原材料供应,确保居民供热质量达标。 According to introduction, the heating season to extend the five days of heating costs, will no longer require customers to pay to extend the heating time is determined, Jinan City, the municipal utility has to heating companies issued an emergency circular calling for all enterprises will be hot this heating season heating time has been extended to March 20, at the same time request the heating units are well prepared to protect the personnel arrangement and the supply of coal and other raw materials to ensure that the residents of heating quality standards.

从来没有想到,济南市政府还会这么好心,想去年采暖听证的时候,楞是在听证的时候让采暖单价上涨,拿济南市民当猴耍。 Never thought of the Jinan Municipal Government will be so good, want a hearing last year, when heating, treng are hearing at the time for heating unit price rise, take Jinan当猴耍people. 这次还"好心好意"的说:"由于济南集中供热期免费延长5 天,热电公司为此将增加各项费用约1000万元。" This is also "good intentions" and said: "The central heating because of Jinan free to extend the period of 5 days, thermoelectric company for this purpose will increase the cost of about 1,000 million."

多"好"的一帮人呀! Many "good" gang of people and you!

但是,再看一下济南近几天的气温: However, take a look at the last few days the temperature Jinan:

3月14日:9-14度 March 14 :9-14 degrees

3月15日:7-19度 March 15 :7-19 degrees

3月16日:16-22度 March 16 :16-22 degrees

3月17日:18-28度 March 17 :18-28 degrees

3月18日预计:11-27度 March 18 is expected to :11-27 degrees

3月19日预计:10-18度 March 19 is expected to :10-18 degrees

3月20日预计:12-20度 March 20 is expected to :12-20 degrees

这样的气温,在有暖气的房子里,可想而知会是什么样的感受。 This temperature, there is at heating the house, we can imagine what the feel.

而今天看到新闻: Read the news today:

  • 济南市市政公用事业局局长表示: 既然已向市民承诺,集中供暖就会按计划相应延长。 Jinan Municipal utilities Secretary, said: Now that the commitment to the public, central heating according to plan will be extended accordingly.

不禁想说脏话,MLGBD,因为供暖达不到室温要求说要给市民退钱的时候,没见这么信守承诺过! Can not help but want to say bad, MLGBD, because of heating less than room temperature will give the public demanded that money back when had not seen such a commitment!

真是纳闷了,难道这帮人的脑袋被驴给踢了? Really wonder, does this group of people give a donkey's head was kicked? 做承诺的时候,不知道好好看看天气预报,拍脑瓜子胡乱做决定;情况改变了,却死脑筋一条筋,不知道变通。 Commitment to do the time, I do not know a good look at the weather forecast脑瓜子shot indiscriminately decide to do; the situation has changed, but their brains a tendon die, I do not know modifications.

要知道,在这样的罕见高温下继续供暖无异于火中送炭,雪中送冰! Want to know at such a rare high-temperature heating to continue would be tantamount to sending charcoal fire, snow Iceman!

这样的事业单位的领导,一方面浪费着市民的血汗钱,一方面还出力不讨好,说重一点,就是渎职。 The leadership of such institutions, on the one hand the people waste hard-earned money, on the one hand, also contribute to task, saying that heavy that dereliction of duty. 如果我是他们的领导,我会羞愧的撞南墙死掉! If I were their leadership, I will hit the wall of shame to die!

错误的承诺并不能成为一种承诺。 The wrong committed and should not become a promise. 错不可怕,可怕的是,错了之后还以各种理由拒绝改正! Mistake is not terrible, terrible is a mistake after correction for various reasons refuse!

可悲! Sad!
